Jim Wright Tribute Site

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submitted on April 30, 2008 1:37 PM EST
Name: Debbie Burdick

Email Address: deborahburdick@yahoo.com

Comments: I am his first born daughter. I am so glad to finally get to know him and my sisters. I love them all so much and am very proud to say that I was his daughter. My step mother, Lynn always made me feel as I was a part of their imediate family. I hope that we can all stay in touch.

How did you hear about this site? My son, Matt Young, grandson of Jim Wright, who designed it.

submitted on May 2, 2008 3:04 PM EST

Name: Randy & Heather Haslam

Email Address: bigskycanyon@gmail.com

Comments: Jim is one-of-a-kind. Heaven just scored....BIG!! Do you think the Angels can keep up? We love you Grandpa.

How did you hear about this site? Family

submitted on May 1, 2008 3:22 PM EST

Name: Staci Nunnally

Email Address: sn14me@yahoo.com

Comments: This website means so much to me and my family. We want to know all the stories you might have about our Father. He was a great great man and he should be celebrated!!! Thanks for visiting our memorial site, and please tell everyone that might have known Jim. We want to be able to touch everyone who was a part of his life.

How did you hear about this site? My sister Debbie and her son Matt!

submitted on May 1, 2008 1:38 PM EST

Name: Susan (Carter) Charles

Email Address: scharles4@austin.rr.com

Comments: As my only Uncle, Jim holds a very special place in my heart. I have so many fond childhood memories when all of us lived nearby one another in Southern California and all of the wonderful times we spent together - holidays, birthdays, weekends, races, trips. I am saddened that as we got older and life's demands pulled us all in different directions that we weren't able to spend as much time together as we used to, but I am grateful for all the special memories and will treasure them forever. One of my proudest memories of Uncle Jim was when my brother Todd, sister Gigi and me and our families went to Indiana for the 500 in 1995 and toured the IMS Hall of Fame where a winning race trophy with his name as Chief Mechanic is displayed. Although growing up I knew what he did for a living, it wasn't until then that I truly understood how great he was at what he did. Although he will be dearly missed, I am comforted by the thought of him now at that big racetrack in the sky with his Mom, Dad, Todd, Swede, Scott and other family and friends that went before him. Uncle Jim was a gentle giant and one of the greatest men I've ever known. I love you Uncle Jim, and I will never forget you.

How did you hear about this site? My cousin Staci

ubmitted on May 7, 2008 10:25 PM EST
Name: Brandee Meyer

Email Address: luv4abeerose@yahoo.com

Comments: Hello to all. I am one of Jim's niece's byway of marriage to My Aunt Lynn. What more is there to say about Uncle Jim then he was an example to us all on how to love and how to live. He did both with such such zest. I don't think I can recall a time when I did not see a smile on his face. Although he is where is supposed to be, and his work was finished here on earth, his smile will always stay in our hearts!! Say Hi to everyone in heaven Big Jim, we love ya!!

How did you hear about this site? Aunt

What I love about the web is the opportunity to share my thoughts and stories with others. But I also like to hear what others think and knew about Jim.

On this page, I'll share some of the comments and stories i've received in my guest book and via e-mail. Please get in touch!

E-mail me at JimWrightMemorial@yahoo.com